Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another day another dolla

I had to force myself to go to work today. I woke up so tired because Harley had a rough night, my pain level was elavated, and I wanted to watch TV even though I was so tired my eyes burned. I had a busy day of patients, consult, and then another meeting. I then got in the car, drove through traffic for over an hour, made dinner, started my period, sat down for 6 minutes and then had to take my jeep into the shop, folded laundry, made the bed, and finally I am getting to check my email & post at the ripe hour of 12:19. Fuck. I just hate how this cycle is going. I know that I am in the driver seat of my life but I feel as though I am driving 75 miles an hour down a straight highway in Oklahoma. I NEED TO slow down. I want to go to Vegas! Would you like to meet in Vegas? Our timeshare has a great deal down there for only 299 for a week! We have to do that some time. Its not the greatest place but I know we could make it work. Food for thought my dear. I read your litterary outline and I will be honored to help you out. I started mine a while back as well and it seems really stressful at times when I think "how the hell am I going to get all of this out of my head in the way I want". Content and intent are present but structure is the hard one. I am working right now on a qualitative reasearch project that I am spear heading dealing with culturally compentency issues realted to mental health service presentation. When its all done I am going to develop a ciruculum for health care providers (of all kinds and levels of education-mainly for direct line staff) so that escpecially when older adults present for supportive therapies realted to mental illness the take into account cultural influences. I am just so tired of the excuse being given that "it's just because of a language barrier". Sorry to go off but when I was reading your great outline it spured my creative juices. All my love dear good buddy friend. Oh, I don't want ot forget to tell you that I think we should get another Tat when we are together? Loves you....

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