Well Orr, above, arrived at my house last night by 7 pm from NYC. We ate at a wonderful Thai restaurant then home to sleep and prepare for the journey back to NYC. Mom, while calling, was able to meet Orr and it would seem that they had a fruitful conversation on how to keep me in line. I believe my mother was playing the role of Dianne Keaton, from "I Told You So" premise being win the mother over with charm and kindness and the wedding will be assured. Not. Single life works well for me. It would appear my mother felt the necessity of revealing my history, past and current. Orr seemed pleased, I seem vaguely worried.
Any way now at the Dakota resting and relaxing before dinner.
Three new friends, met last year, and again to be sharing the field misson in Chad, Africa, close to Lake Chad, are traveling to NYC as directed by MSF are staying at Orr's, by his invitation. They are arriving on Monday. Orr has booked a Spa day at Elizabeth Arden's Red Door Salon for the five of us Monday night. Massage, facials, ped and manicures, need good feet for Chad. Also a mud bath with minerals. Should be relaxing.
On the 11th, WTC Memorial, I have been asked to read twenty names. Having lost 15 friends due to the collapse it is a very bitter sad event, but I feel the need to do this. Orr and my other three friends, a shrink, neuro surgeon, and psychologist will be there with me. Security will be tight. After that event reservations for all us have been made at The Four Seasons to have a quiet dinner. Some site seeing, for my friends, and a couple of shows and then we are off to Washington, then to Chad. for three weeks. There has been the usual fire and looting but we have been assured that we will be very safe with the two UN armed contractors with us at all times, in our clinics and when we travel in the field to near villages, or tent camps to render aid. I have been asked to set up a counseling clinic for family, teens, and rape/trauma survivors. I will use a loosely adapted model from my counseling at University Hospital, and the Rape Crisis Center at Syracuse University. I have most of it done. Field work is a bit by the seat of the pants, do your best and hope the the best results. Compassion and Listening are the strongest tools. I will have seven counselors, with MA's and MSW's to train with my manual, that they will all have. These mental health specialists are new to the concept of field work and the unexpected surprises that seem to always happen at the most difficult times, but that's the nature of the beast. I will also be helping one of my friends, a MD to give immunization shot for which ever disease is the pick of the month, I think Cholera is must current. We have seven thousand people to treat. We also have 10,000 condoms to hand out and 5,000 pairs of sneakers to distribute.
I will have my Pro Mac Book with me and camera, along with everyone else, thus we are all going to share and upload pictures as we all have Macs.
I now have my Blackberry Curve, sharp, with my cell phone forwarded.
I was given a touch I Pod, from Will in France. Not here till mid October I think. It's very overpriced but very sharp. It is Wi-Fi with Safari on it to cruise the web, videos, movies, TV shows can be ordered on the spot, looks like a $200 dollar less i phone with out the phone, but total screen touch control and with many advances ipods of the past don't have. It seems many things are last to be imported here.
I will try to keep a running journal and keep you all informed.
I have tried the cell a few times and cant get you for some reason. Something about the network? If you have time I would love to hear your voice before you leave. All my love....leia
I am so sad that I did not get to talk to you before you left. Please call me when you get back. I pray your trip goes well and I know you will do loving work kinds that will remain with many for a lifetime. I am very proud of you. Love ya. Leia
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