Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Click on the top video. The Fray from Grays's A This bank is a favorite, especially being from Denver. I forgot how to import from my utube account, oh well. Sorry to hear of your stress. Always choose your poison. I as well have had three weeks of living hell. aphasia in three of my joints, foot, knee, and arm, many test, biopsies, panic attacks 3 per day, black depression. I am so grateful that Orr is here with me. I don't think I could survive alone at this point. Orr is staying longer, two of my doctors voiced their comfort of Orr staying with me. I have been in and out of the hospital. I have never really had some one to take of me all these years. Finally my turn. Orr is just there, I don't even have to ask, he just knows. He has been so unselfish about taking care of me. He has set with me in the hospital twice all night, has been dealing with the doctors, as I just can't deal with much of anything for now. I have never felt so alone and fragile.
By the time I pull my life together, hopefully you will be able to come and visit.
I will survive this even the chemo, Orr only leaves me alone when I sleep and then he sometimes sits in the bedroom and reads or writes on the frame work of his next play. He asked me if I wanted my life story to be a story line of one of his plays? I seem to be getting sick again, so time to go.

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